Planning remote networks
As we touched on earlier, remote networks are deployed based on the bandwidth assigned to a specific compute location. Once bandwidth is assigned, one or more RN-SPN nodes are provisioned for a compute location, and remote networks can be connected to them. The first task when planning the Prisma Access deployment is to estimate how many remote offices there will be and what the bandwidth requirements will look like. Once you know how many sites and how much peak throughput is estimated to be required, you can calculate the amount of bandwidth you will need to purchase.
Consider how much bandwidth will be needed; for anything between 50 Mbps and 1,000 Mbps, a single RN-SPN node is spun up in a compute location, but going over 1,000 Mbps will cause a second node to be spun up and the assigned bandwidth to be divided between the two.
At this time, assigning 1,050 Mbps to a compute location would cause two nodes to be spun up; one node will be capable of...