agnostic AutoML template
creating 277, 278
agnostic model
explaining, with SHAP 143
AI bias
autopilot decision making 55
decision tree, building 58
ethical AI moral limits, explaining 59, 60
MIT Moral Machine experiment 57
trolley problem 55, 56
using, in self-driving cars (SDCs) 55
AI diagnosis
enhancing, with XAI 41
installing 333
anchors AI explanations 357
for ImageNet 361
income, predicting 357, 359
newsgroup discussions, classifying 359, 361
anchors AI explanations, for ImageNet
Alibi, installing 361, 362
anchor image explainer, building 364, 365, 366, 367
category 367, 369
image, downloading 363, 364
image, processing 364
InceptionV3 model 362
limitations 369, 370, 371
modules, importing 361, 362
predictions, making 364
area under the curve (AUC) 226
creating 343
defining 342
original images, comparing with decoded...