SIP, WebRTC, PSTN, Dialplan, IVRs, Lua, ESL, HTTAPI, XML_CURL, NAT, Security, ITSPs, UDP, RTP, TLS, WSS, Certificates, phones, softphones, smartphones, apps, are you born learned?
In this chapter we'll saw how to investigate problems, troubleshoot your FreeSWITCH implementation and operation, how to obtain and understand debug logs and packet traces, how to identity and pinpoint the interoperability problems with your upstream and downstream providers and users.
We'll then see how to search the documentation before asking for help, both free help from community (mailing list, hipchat, IRC) and commercial support and consulting from the pros. When you find a bug, or you want to know if a problem has been encountered before and classified as bug, the tool you want to use is Jira. We'll give you full instruction...