Understanding permanent feature flags
Unsurprisingly, permanent feature flags are the opposite of temporary ones, as they are put into an app with the expectation that they will be there for a long time and are not time-limited. As mentioned in the Understanding temporary feature flags section, many flags are often short. However, there are some good reasons and use cases for long-lived flags, too.
Again, it is worth pointing out that applications with a large number of permanent feature flags could be difficult to manage and could easily introduce unexpected instability into a system.
Two common uses of permanent feature flags are switches and entitlements. Entitlements are a way of enabling or disabling features based on a customer's account tier or subscription. For example, a feature can be served to a VIP customer but not to other customers. In this way, feature management can form part of the business model of a company and be more than just a mechanism to safely release...