Enterprise options for the 3T database
The table and column definitions provided previously are the simplest required for our 3T project. There are, however, several potential options that could be added to enhance the structure for enterprise use.
Password encryption
Enterprise applications would require that the password field be encrypted for security purposes using a unidirectional algorithm. Passwords should never be stored in plain text, and it should never be possible to view the password in the database (as we can currently do). It is beyond the scope of this book to cover password security strategies, but a very good explanation of the core principles can be found at http://www.jasypt.org/howtoencryptuserpasswords.html.
MySQL provides a number of password encryption functions that could be used for this purpose. We suggest you browse the documentation at https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html to understand the different options available.