Section 1: Exploring the Building Blocks of VB
In this section, we'll start with the Visual Builder (VB) basics. This part will help you to understand VB, its benefits, and its features. You will become familiar with all the tools that are required to start VB, what technologies are used in VB, and what you should know in advance.
This section explains the VB architecture, which helps to understand different components of VB and how they communicate with each other in order to build web and mobile applications. In further chapters, you will learn about the creation of a VB instance, how to log in to it, and the directory structure of the web application. The purposes of different navigations are also explained. We will explain various building blocks of VB with examples.
This section comprises the following chapters:
- Chapter 1, What, Why, and How (WWH) of Visual Builder
- Chapter 2, Provisioning and Understanding the Visual Builder Instance
- Chapter 3, Exploring...