Preparing to archive a library
To ensure a library is optimized for archiving, preserving all footage while minimizing its size to save disk space, specific procedures should be adhered to. The first thing is to locate all the media spread across all your disks and consolidate the media in a preferred location for the archived library to be able to access the media in the future.
Then you should check for Motion 5 content, followed by checking the cache location. Let’s start with the consolidation process in the next section.
The ingestion of media into Final Cut Pro is controlled in Settings (previously Preferences). In Chapter 2, Organizing Media,we saw that the Settings instructions control whether the media is stored as Copy to Library or whether the media is set to Leave in place. Even if the media is set to Copy to Library, some files may still not make it to the library if you change the setting after the library is originally created.
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