Simple Search
Simple search is simple in terms of what the user has to do to perform the search. There is just one field to specify the search words (criteria) and a button to submit the search request. The biggest benefit of simple search is that the user just specifies the search words and gets to the results quickly. This is how it looks on the screen:

Since version 5.3 of Documentum, objects in multiple repositories can be queried for one search operation. For a simple search, all repositories designated as default are searched. Multiple repositories can be set as default using preferences, as described later in this chapter.
A search operation can query full-text indexes as well as object properties. Full-text indexes capture information about the text contents of documents and enable searching the content as well as the object properties. The full-text indexes are created by the Index Server when it is present as a part of the Documentum installation.
The simple search request is...