The Track View editor is the embedded Sandbox cut-scene creation tool for making interactive movies, such as sequences with timeline dependent control over objects and events in CryENGINE 3. For those already familiar with the CryENGINE 2 Track View system, you will see that it is quite similar, although improvements have been made to tools such as curve editor and director tracks can now be used for what used to be complex sequences.
Using Track View, creating cinematic cut-scenes and scripted events are both possible, allowing you to sequence objects, animations, and sounds in a scene that can be triggered during a game and played either as a detached cut-scene from the third person perspective, or from the first person perspective of the player as he plays the game.
Sequences created with the Track View can be triggered in a game with a specific Flow Graph node. Different properties enable sequences to range from passive in-game scenarios up to fully uncoupled cut-scenes.
