Extending our games
We have now finished all of our three games. Let's take a look at what we can add to each of the three games that we didn't get to add when we made them.
We started very simple with this game, with no title and game over or victory screen. We can extend this game by adding some more levels and adding more enemy types for the player to face.
We can also make the levels more interesting by adding parallax scenery as well as moving platforms for the player to travel with. An easy way to do the latter is to have the platform move between two sprites, but there is also a free Path Movement
plugin on the Scirra forums that can be used.
This game is almost complete, with the only elements missing being the additional content and levels. Try adding settings to the INI file for playing different songs on each level, and if you feel very confident, add a turn-based multiplayer mode where players compete to see who gets the best score.
This game was...