Thoughts to contemplate
Let's think back on the ideas presented in this chapter about your contribution to any kind of business meeting:
Meetings do not run themselves, people do.
What role is the most comfortable for you in a meeting, leading it or being a participant?
What are you willing to put into action to be more comfortable in the one role you did not select?
Choose just three of the actionable ideas you either discovered or were reminded of in this chapter. It could come from any of the range presented here, from the various rehearsals and planning ideas, to seating language or color influence, right down to eye contact.
Which one will you put into practice and initiate in your next meeting regardless of the size?
Determine what upcoming planned communication events you might have, like a presentation or a sales meeting or a negotiation meeting.
Consider setting up an action plan for the next 30 days.
Include at least three ideas from this chapter.
Just as it is helpful to follow-up to...