Combining Comet and DevOps/MLOps
You can integrate Comet with the deployment process to monitor and keep track of your experiments. In addition to the techniques described in the previous chapters, Comet also provides a REST API service to access your projects, workspaces, experiments, and assets. You can easily integrate the REST API service with the other services provided by DevOps and MLOps platforms, as you will see later in this chapter.
The section is organized as follows:
- Comet in the DevOps life cycle
- Setting up the Comet REST API
- Using the Comet REST API
Let’s start with the first point, Comet in the DevOps life cycle.
Comet in the DevOps life cycle
Let’s suppose that you have already built a model and now you want to refine it, to improve its performance. If you do not use any tracking system, it becomes very easy to lose changes in your code, which are the hyperparameters for your model, and even the final artifacts.
A very...