Collecting data for a paid event registration with Webform CiviCRM
Collecting complex organizational data and user data on one form during event registration is difficult in CiviCRM. You can create profiles to gather individual contact data, but you can only collect the organization name for organizational contact data.
How to do it…
In this recipe, we will use the Drupal Webform CiviCRM module to collect the data we require and then pass the user onto the CiviCRM event registration screen, with details already filled in.
Download, install, and enable the following Drupal modules:
Webform CiviCRM (
Webform (
Libraries (
Create a simple event in CiviCRM. The event will show a single registration fee and collect the first name and last name of the registrant and the organization they work for. Make a note of the event registration URL.
Create a new web form using Webform CiviCRM.
Enable the...