Service catalogs
This basically reflects the shop front end of vRA. Service catalogs are categories and contain their various services. vRA does not limit the number of service catalogs, nor their name or function in any matter. There can be numerous Service catalogs be created. All the names are basically freeform text, however, there are some best practices and standards which may make sense to follow, since all cloud provider will have similar naming and functionality.
In Chapter 5 , VMware vRealize Automation the three most used categories have been briefly discussed, those are basically IaaS, PaaS as well as XaaS. The latter category is a VMware introduced term and describes Anything as a Service.
Besides the as a Service ending, there are endless possibilities. There are also other categories in the market such as:
Software as a Service (SaaS)
These are offerings like Gmail, Salesforce, Office 365
Backup as a Service (BaaS)
Storage as a Service (STaaS)
Database as a Service (DBaaS)
This often...