In this chapter, we started another example—the dashboard web application.
At first, it may appear a little difficult, but we are breaking down every line of code to explain it while using the top of the methodologies for frontend development.
This time, we have an initial design that we aim to create. This is cool because we do have a guideline on what we must do towards our final goal. Usually, when working in a project, you have this kind of scenario.
First, we created another navigation bar, this one being a little more complicated, using a fluid container. The rest of the navigation was made using almost the same methodology that we used when learning about this Bootstrap component.
On the left-hand-side menu, we customized the Bootstrap stacked navigation component, and you learned how to use the Bootstrap collapse plugin.
In the main content, we started to import external plugins to create nice charts for our dashboard. Also, we used the flex display to increase responsiveness...