Implementing observability for a distributed application running on Amazon ECS
Amazon ECS is similar to Amazon EKS, but as an AWS native container orchestration engine, it is more integrated into the AWS ecosystem and allows some simplifications.
We will see four procedures to collect metrics and logs from ECS clusters:
- Collect cluster and service-level metrics.
- Collect instance-level metrics using the CloudWatch agent.
- Collect instance-level metrics using ADOT.
- Collect logs and send them to CloudWatch Logs using FireLens.
Container Insights on Amazon ECS for the cluster- and service-level metrics
You can activate Container Insights on Amazon ECS for the cluster- and service-level metrics on the account and cluster levels.
When you activate Container Insights on an account level, every new Amazon ECS cluster created after that will have Container Insights data collection activated by default.
You can activate Container Insights on the account...