S3 Batch operations
Having a good tagging strategy is part of recommended AWS account hygiene. Just like other initiatives, many of these strategies evolve over time. There may come a time when you or your organization feels the need to change some of the mandatory tags on the objects in your current set of S3 buckets. If you have been running in AWS for any period of time then there are most likely too many objects to re-tag by hand and so you are left trying to devise a solution. This is where the power of AWS S3 Batch operations can come into play. It can perform batch operations on files and buckets with ease.
S3 Batch operations allow you to do more than just modify tags. The following operations can be performed with S3 Batch operations:
- Modify objects and metadata properties.
- Copy objects between S3 buckets.
- Replace object tag sets.
- Modify access controls to sensitive data.
- Restore archive objects from Glacier.
- Invoke AWS Lambda functions.