Introducing the AWS AI and ML landscape
AWS provides its customers with an extensive assortment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ML capabilities. To further help its customers to better understand these capabilities, AWS has grouped and organized them together into what is typically referred to as the AI/ML Stack. The primary goal behind the AI/ML stack is to provide the necessary resources that a developer or ML practitioner might use, depending on their level of expertise. Basically, it puts AI and ML capabilities into the hands of every developer, no matter whether they are considered a novice or an expert. Figure 2.1 shows the layers that comprise the AWS AI/ML stack.
Figure 2.1 – Layers of the AWS AI/ML stack
As you can see from Figure 2.1, the AI/ML stack delivers on the goal of putting AI and ML capabilities into the hands of every developer, by grouping the AWS capabilities into three specific layers, where each layer comprises the typical...