Performing stress analysis on bolted connections
In this recipe, you will learn how to apply a stress analysis study on a typical bolted connection, to verify a bolted connection calculation for the given scenario.
The scenario is that we have two plates of 20 mm-thick 405 stainless steel, joining with a 90 mm contact overlap. A force of 15 Kn is applied in each direction away from the bolt. Using Bolted Connection Strength Calculator, we will first determine the current results with one bolt and determine what the present safety factor is.
Then, we will use Bolted Connection Strength Calculator to recommend several bolted connections to apply, to achieve a factor of safety of above 2.5 with an allowable bolt thread pressure of 20 MPa. Once complete, we will update the assembly to contain the new additional bolted connections, and then test this calculation with an FEA study.
This will involve incorporating a new concept of stress analysis connections within an Inventor assembly...