Adding the catching ball
In our game, the player will use balls of ice to catch the monsters. The player must hit the monster with the ice balls to make them colder and slower so that they will eventually freeze in place. After they are flash frozen, like a frozen dinner, they can then be easily caught.
The ball we will add needs to be made of ice. Since we don't currently have any ice materials to texture a ball with, we will first load a couple of assets. The assets we will load are for particle effects we will use later in the chapter. Conveniently, one of those particle effects also has a nice ice texture we will use for our ball. Perform the instructions here to import the particle effect assets:
- From the menu, select Assets | Import Package | ParticleSystems. When prompted by the Import Unity Package dialog, click on the Import button. This will install the standard particle system asset from Unity.
The Unity particle system is known as Shuriken and is the basis for many particle...