ArcGIS Pro was released in January 2015, and ESRI has called it the "Next Generation" of desktop applications for all GIS users. It is important to acknowledge that ArcGIS Pro is not considered a replacement for ArcMap but rather a powerful addition to the ESRI platform. ArcGIS Pro is designed to work seamlessly along with all other ESRI desktop apps, including ArcMap, ArcCatalog, and ArcScene. I would even say that ArcGIS Pro has fused some of the most used functionality of all three into one. In this chapter, we will go over some of the significant differences between ArcGIS Pro and the rest of the ESRI desktop app suite, especially as it relates to Python. For example, one significant change with the release of ArcGIS Pro was that ArcGIS Pro 1.4, the current version, relies on Python 3.5.2. Up until this point in the book, everything we...