Debugging tools
We now know the problems behind the creation of a flexible and efficient UI and how to solve them. But, how can we know if we are doing well? Moreover, how can we measure the output quality of our hard work? Let's go through the various tools you can use to not only measure our product, but also to find other problems, to fix them, and to improve the performance of our application during its whole life cycle.
The Design view
During the development process, the creation of XML layout files is an underestimated activity: if the layout is well-designed in the development step, the application won't need any particular effort to improve performance. While writing XML files, the IDE allows us to watch what we are designing in a preview mode inside the layout editor. This contains the Text and the Design view, as in Figure 15:

Figure 15: The Design view
The Design view contains a special view called Component Tree that shows the view hierarchy while we are making it. In...