This is a simple, fast, and more private way to sign into Apple apps and websites. Instead of going through the lengthy process of using a social account or filling out forms, verifying email addresses or choosing passwords, users can now use their Apple ID for authentication. Apple has also maintained that it will protect users’ privacy by providing developers with a unique random ID. If in a particular case, developers are asking for name and email address details, users will still have the option to keep their email addresses private and share a unique random email address instead. Sign In with Apple will make it easy for users to authenticate with Face ID or Touch ID. It will have a two-factor authentication built in, for an added layer of security. Also, Apple will not use Sign In with Apple to monitor users or their activity in apps.
Providing a dramatic look, iOS 13 will have a Dark Mode which is a new dark color scheme that will work system-wide and across all native apps. This will provide users’ with a great viewing experience, especially in low light environments. It will also be available to third-party app developers for integrating it into their own apps. This mode can also be scheduled to turn on automatically at a particular time or at sunset.
In iOS 13, photos and videos are arranged in a systematic way. This will make browsing, and discovering and reliving favorite memories much easier. iOS 13 is also enabled with auto play videos. New tools have been introduced in photo editing which will make it easier to apply, adjust and review photos at a glance. Most of the photo editing tools will also be available for video editing, making it possible to rotate, crop or apply filters within the photos app. In the camera app of iOS 13, portrait lighting adjustments can be made. This will enable to virtually move the light closer to sharpen eyes and brighten and smooth facial features or push the light farther away to create a subtle, refined look. A new High-Key Mono effect has also been introduced to create a beautiful, and monochromatic look for Portrait mode photos.
Apple Maps in iOS 13, will provide a broader road coverage, better pedestrian data, more precise addresses, and more detailed land cover. This new map is available in select cities and states presently. It will rollout across the US by the end of 2019 and to more countries in 2020.
A new Look Around feature, using the new base-map and high-resolution 3D photography, has been introduced. It delivers a beautiful street-level imagery of a city with smooth and seamless transitions. iOS 13 also brings additional new features to the Maps app, including collections to easily share favorite restaurants, travel destinations or places to shop with friends and more.
iOS 13 and Apple TV will support Xbox One and PS4 controllers. This controller support has arrived, after Apple had planned to launch the Apple Arcade game subscription service, for iOS, Mac, and Apple TV.
Apple has released a framework for background tasks. This will support iOS 13, along with UIKit for Mac 13.0 and tvOS 13.0, all in beta. This framework will enable the app content to remain up to date and run tasks, while the app is in the background.
Siri will be able to read incoming messages as soon as they arrive from Messages or any SiriKit-enabled messaging app.
This can distinguish voices from anyone in the home to deliver personal requests, including messages, music and more. Handoff will enable users to easily move music, podcasts or a phone call to HomePod when they arrive home.
It offers ways to monitor hearing health and has new ways to track, visualize and predict a woman’s menstrual cycle.
Siri will have a new and more natural voice. Siri shortcuts will now support suggested automation that will provide personalized routines, like heading to work or going to the gym.
It can automatically share a user’s name and photo or customized Memoji or Animoji, so that the user can be easily identified, in the message thread.
These distinct features of iOS 13 have made users’ very excited for its release.
These are some of the features of iOS 13. For more details, head over to the Apple press release
Check out WWDC 2019 highlights, for all releases and updates announced during the conference.
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