Keep a code arsenal
A "snippet collection" or, what I call my "code arsenal" will go a long way to help you out, not just with jQuery and WordPress code, but also with the general HTML markup and even CSS solutions you create, not to mention any other code language you work in.
I'm terrible at remembering syntax for code, markup, and CSS. I often know what I need, but can never quite recall exactly how it's supposed to be typed. I used to spend hours going through various stylesheets, markup, and codes from previous projects to copy into my current project as well as googling (and "re-googling") web pages that had samples of the syntax I needed.
If you often find yourself in a similar situation, using the Snippets or Clip features that are usually available in good HTML/Code editors will free you from this mundane (and very time consuming) task. You simply type or paste the WordPress template tags, functions, PHP code, key CSS rules, and jQuery functions (and any other code syntax, whatever...