15.6 Create_Dynamic_Content Job
Presentation files using XDQL queries can retrieve the Docbase content and its attributes whenever:
A new content file is created from a template and saved from within Web Publisher editor
An existing content file is edited and saved
The reapply presentation feature is used for existing content
However, what happens to those published active content files that show up on the website but whose underlying data (attribute or content values) has been modified in the Docbase? Do the content authors have to edit/save and republish these content files all over again to ensure that XDQL query is fired again and modified data shows up on the running website? The answer is NO.
The following steps need to be performed under such circumstances to utilize an out-of-the-box feature available from Documentum:
1. Browse to the template XML file in Web Publisher and click on the info icon (i) against the template. Choose the Publishing tab and select the checkbox against Automatically...