Sample test script/case fields
Test scenarios are high-level actions that provide an overview of what needs to be tested. They help in the testing of end-to-end functionality. Test cases are low-level activities and help with thorough testing of the application. They enable us to test small parts of functionality in detail. Each test script can have multiple test cases.
The following are some of the important fields that can be used to create test scripts/cases:
- Test Script ID: TS-Account Management-001
- Test Script Name: The user will be able to create and edit accounts in Salesforce
- Test Script Description: The user will be able to create and edit account records in Salesforce after entering the required fields and will be able to save successfully
- Pre-conditions: The user will have appropriate access and be able to log into the Salesforce system via a browser and/or mobile apps
- Test System Name: SIT
- BRD ID: BRD-R1-1.001
- Complexity: Medium
- Variations...