Understanding what CRPs are
CRPs are workshops where key stakeholders, along with project team members, collaborate at various stages of projects to understand the business needs while transforming them into proposed business solutions. CRPs help stakeholders collaborate and see how their needs progress through each phase of the project, as well as being able to provide feedback. This helps users see what they are getting and keep the process transparent. Also, these CRP sessions help the technical team and testing team understand the needs better, so they will be able to deliver what the business truly wants.
Based on the complexity of the business requirements, the project team can decide when to do CRP and how often to do the CRP sessions. As a rule of thumb, I prefer to go with three CRP stages for a project with medium to high complexity and maybe a fourth one if the project is highly visible and critical or highly critical.
The four stages when we conduct the CRPs are as...