Deploying and configuring the microservices
Kubernetes has several abstractions that represent the state of our system. The key abstractions when deploying our microservices are as follows:
- Pod
- ReplicaSet
- Deployment
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- Service
We will examine each of these abstractions and how we can use them in the following sections.
Kubernetes Pods
A Pod is the smallest unit of deployment in Kubernetes. A Pod is a wrapper around one or more containers that share a network address space and share resources such as volumes. Most of the time, a Pod consists of a single container, but sometimes, it is useful to have multiple containers working together when tight coupling between the containers exists. In our application for our microservices, we will have the container of our microservice and a container for the Cloud SQL proxy. This is called a sidecar pattern and allows us to keep our microservice containers simple and still make use of...