Using a dynamic dashboard
Before we start with the definition of dynamic dashboards, let's understand: is there any concept called a static dashboard? Yes, there is, but it is not called a "static dashboard". For simplicity in this book and to differentiate a dashboard from a dynamic dashboard, let's just call it a "normal" dashboard. Note that in Salesforce, it is officially just called dashboard, not "normal dashboard".
Normal dashboard
For a normal dashboard, the user will see a dashboard with data visibility of someone else. Let's take a sample of how data visibility works in a normal dashboard. We create a role hierarchy to explain this easily, as shown in the following diagram:

Let's say a normal dashboard is configured with a running user as Peter Mann. Any user who opens the dashboard will have data visibility as that of Peter Mann, even though the user does not have visibility of the records, or even the source report used as a dashboard component.
When you create or edit a normal dashboard...