The need for acceptance testing
For tests that are large in size or complexity, a structured approach can help you to pinpoint the errors, which arise while testing for the system is carried out under test's acceptance. Increase in the development speed and efficiency as well as create accountability for various features of the software are also taken into consideration. These benefits can be summarized as follows:
Pinpoint application failure
Reduced error rate
Provide automation and reusability
Create a test audit trail
Pinpoint application failure
Through testing, it is possible for you to identify complete or partial failures as well as identify bottlenecks in performance that might have slipped during development or in other forms of testing.
Reducing the error rate
Through automation, the predetermined steps involved to run the program can be performed exactly as desired with no interference as well as no extra or erroneous user interactions. This is different from monkey testing as in acceptance testing; only the happy path scenario is to be dealt with.
Providing automation and re-use
Testers or any other human resources are expensive than computation cycles. So it is best to automate the repetitive tasks, which will also reduce time that is normally spent in typing, clicking, and digesting the user interface as well by the test user. Furthermore, test can be reused or iterated over, which reduces the amount of tests while making sure that the complete acceptance testing remains while you can focus on other problems.
Creating the a test audit trail
By keeping a record of various test results, you can gather interesting facts about acceptance testing such as how much of the system under test is covered under acceptance tests as well as how many failures were reported. This can be useful in changing management as well as re-engineering/modernization of the existing software.