Rendering a test animation from the Level Sequencer
To render out an animation, first, click on the Movie Scene Capture button (it’s the clapper board icon) at the top of your Sequencer:
Figure 7.20: Clapper board icon
If you have installed the Movie Render Queue plug-in, you will be given a choice of which renderer to use. If so, choose Movie Scene Capture (Legacy).
You will then get the following Render Movie Settings dialog box:
Figure 7.21: Render Movie Settings
In Figure 7.21, I have left all the settings with their default values. Three important settings to note are:
- Image Output Format: You need to render a movie in a format that your system can play. The default is AVI but you can change it to a QuickTime Pro Res file.
To ensure that you can render Apple Pro Res, go to Edit, then Plugins, search for prores
, and check the Apple ProRes Media checkbox. Then, you will need to restart Unreal...