Demystifying microservices architectureÂ
Lately, microservices architecture (MSA) is gaining a lot of mind and market shares. Monolithic and massive applications are being continuously dismantled to be a pool of easily manageable and composable microservices. Application development and maintenance (ADM) service providers know the perpetual difficulties of building and sustaining legacy applications, which are closed, inflexible, and expensive. The low utilization and reuse are other drawbacks. Enabling them to be web, mobile, and cloud ready is beset with a number of practical challenges. Modernizing and migrating legacy applications to embrace newer technologies and to run them in optimized IT environments consumes a lot of time, talent, and treasure. Software development takes the agile route to bring forth business value in the shortest possible time. Software delivery and deployment are getting equally sped up through the DevOps concept, which is being facilitated through a host of...