Chapter 6. Optimization
If you have made it this far, you should understand how to use Buildout to deploy your site to production by executing specific, production-ready configuration files.
We will not cover any version control systems in this book (for example, RCS, CVS, Subversion, Bazaar, Mercurial, Git), but a brief mention of version control systems in the context of our development and deployment efforts is now in order.
Throughout this book, we have been working with various Buildout configuration files. As a result, you may want to consider the following technique to manage them properly:
Check in buildout's configuration files to Subversion (or a version control system of your choice) when you begin your next project.
Check out the buildout's configuration files to the development environment.
Develop the buildout and commit the results.
Check out the buildout's configuration files to the staging and/or production server.
In the future, technologies like Silver Lining (http://cloudsilverlining...