Time for action – creating a new report
The following are the steps for creating a new report:
In the following section, we will create a new report that we will use in this chapter's exercises. We will create a JDBC data set that connects to the Sakila database, and we will establish its SQL query. Then we will create a Parameter to choose the country we want to analyze. Finally, we will adapt our report to the layout proposed in this guide. We create a new report and save it with the name,
. We create a JDBC data set and configure it as follows:Connections =
sakila db
Query name =
Query =
SELECT DISTINCT country.country_id, country.country, city.city_id, city.city FROM country INNER JOIN city ON city.country_id = country.country_id INNER JOIN address ON address.city_id = city.city_id INNER JOIN customer ON customer.address_id = address.address_id INNER JOIN rental ON rental.customer_id = customer.customer_id WHERE country.country_id...