Missing return routes when 'iroute' is used
This recipe is a continuation of the previous one. After ensuring that a single VPN client can reach the server-side LAN, the next step is to make sure that other hosts behind the VPN client can reach the hosts on the server side LAN.
In this recipe, we will first set up a VPN as is done in the Chapter 2 recipe Routing: subnets on both sides. If no return routes are set up, then the hosts on the client-side LAN will not be able to reach the hosts on the server-side LAN and vice versa. By adding the appropriate routes, the issue is resolved.
Getting ready
We use the following network layout:

Install OpenVPN 2.0 or higher on two computers. Make sure the computers are connected over a network. Set up the client and server certificates using the first recipe from Chapter 2, Client-server IP-only Networks. For this recipe, the server computer was running CentOS 5 Linux and OpenVPN 2.1.1. The client was running Fedora 13 Linux and OpenVPN 2.1.1. Keep the...