Comparing and contrasting with the design principles
Let's put our phone into airplane mode and do another quick evaluation against the principles with the same pass/fail scoring as before.
Give me uninterrupted access to the content I care about.
This is a pass. Besides maps, the entire app works as expected while offline. Thanks to PouchDB, even when we can't talk to the online database, our offline database works just fine.
Content is mutable. Don't let my online/offline status change that.
This is a pass. The content in our app is perfectly mutable, again thanks to PouchDB.
Error messages should not leave me guessing or unnecessarily worried.
This is a fail. Even though we're not supporting offline maps in our app, we should provide a better error message. Also, there are a bunch of errors that only appear in the developer console and not in the app itself, so sometimes it appears that nothing happened when in reality we just ran into an error. We'll improve error messaging in the next...