Moodle hubs
A Moodle or MNet hub is similar to a peer-to-peer network, with the only difference that it accepts connections from multiple Moodle and Mahara servers. While this could be set up manually using a number of peer-to-peer connections, the hub mode automatically accepts any hosts that try to connect to it. Potentially, this is a big time and maintenance saver, but at the cost of opening up your site to other Moodle instances.
A public learning portal that contains resources to be shared across a number of sites is typically implemented using the hub mode. Each Moodle instance that wishes access to the portal, has to be configured to connect to the hub.
Once networking has been turned on, choose the Moodle site that will act as a hub and go to Networking | Manage peers to click on the Turn it on button to register all hosts. Effectively, a hub is a regular Moodle site that operates in a special mode.
The All hosts site is treated like a peer, with the exception that the Review host...