Exploring Ajax and GWT
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax allows content on web pages to update immediately when a user performs any action, unlike an HTTP request, where users must wait for a whole new page to load and be rendered by the web browser. Conventional web applications transmit information to and from the server using synchronous requests. Users fill out a form, hit submit, and get directed to a new page with new information from the server. The user cannot do anything with the web page until the response is back from the server; this means the user is blocked while the request is being processed. In Ajax, JavaScript makes a request to the server, interprets the response, and updates the current screen. The user never gets to know that anything was even transmitted to the server, as the user can continue to use the application while the JavaScript requests information from the server in the background.
Ajax combines numerous tools, such as JavaScript, Dynamic...