Implementing protocol enhancements
Another critical element for providing enhanced end user experiences is the protocol used to deliver content. In this section, we will delve into new RDP enhancements, end user network enhancements, and improvements to Microsoft Teams workloads that are bandwidth-heavy.
RDP Shortpath
Cloud PCs can use RDP Shortpath to establish connections over the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). We covered RDP Shortpath in detail in Chapter 2, Architecture, so please hop on over there for a refresher on what it is and why is it important. If your network’s firewall blocks UDP traffic, RDP Shortpath will not be able to establish a data flow and will instead use TCP-based reverse connect transport. Let’s have a look at the raw data differences. Start by looking at the following screenshot to see what a connection to a Cloud PC with TCP looks like:

Figure 8.39: Cloud PC utilizing a TCP-based connection
Now look at when the connection...