Corporate mandatory requirements
We will cover both mandatory as well as voluntary administrative tasks, but please understand that you absolutely have to make time for certain company requirements even if you don’t want to do them. The term mandatory still applies even if you think it is stupid. Please let that sink in for a moment. It doesn’t matter whether you are right because the video is stupid. This is simply not a hill to die on. Corporate life is much larger than any individual employee and just because you think a mandatory survey by the Senior Vice President (SVP) of sales is a waste of your time, doesn’t mean you have the right to ignore it. You will lose this fight, and even more so, you will put your boss in a bad spotlight as well because, from an executive’s viewpoint, he doesn’t seem to have command of his team. You lose, he loses, the SVP loses, everyone loses. Except for the residents of New Jersey…they’re still trying...