JSON and Gson
As an Android developer, sooner or later you will have to work with network requests in the JSON format. In some cases, you may also find XML, which makes it more tedious to translate to an object. It is important to know how to perform a network request by sending parameters in JSON and also how to consume data in the JSON format.
JSON and GSON are two different things; we need to understand the difference. JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is an open standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application as an alternative to XML. This is an example of a JSON file; as you can see, we can have different types of attributes, and we can have nested JSON structures:
{ "firstName": "Antonio", "lastName": "Smith", "isDeveloper": true, "age": 25, "phoneNumbers": [ ...