My picture looks 'messy'—how can I clean it up?
How often have you visited a famous location wanting to get a great shot only to be frustrated by the number of other people wanting exactly the same shot? Here's a neat way to clean up your image to make it look like you are the only person left on the planet: it's called Scene Cleaner.
- Guided > Photomerge > Photomerge Scene Cleaner. Note: this process only works if you remember to shoot a series of images, of the same scene, at suitable intervals while you are actually there. Snap a shot, wait for people to move a few feet, snap a second, wait till they've moved on, and repeat. Try and shoot without moving position—a tripod is really helpful.
Photomerge Scene Cleaner replaces people with empty spaces created by waiting for the crowds to move. The trick is to remember to take the shots while you are still on location. See Chapter 5, Easy Creative Projects for more information...