Time for action — editing your page access
Let's see how to edit your page access:
1. When editing your page, click on the Share page >> option. Sharing of all your pages is controlled at one central place in Mahara and you may notice that you are now in the Share section of your portfolio as shown by the highlighted submenu item in the following screenshot:
2. You should be on a page titled Edit access. Click on the help button next to the title to get an idea about what you can do on this page. At the top of the page you will see all of the pages that you have created. You can choose one or more pages to edit access for. For now, let's edit the access for one page, the one you just created. Punam noticed that her Tudor's page is already selected:
3. Now, let's decide with whom you want to share your page. To the left of this page, there are all the people or groups of people you can allow access to and to the right, there are those people/groups who can already access your page. Currently...