Essential prerequisites
In this section, we will ensure that the following prerequisites are ready before proceeding with the training steps:
- We will prepare a Cloud9 environment and ensure it has been set up so that we can train the model and build the custom container image.
- We will prepare a training dataset that will be used when training the deep learning model.
Preparing the Cloud9 environment
In the first part of this chapter, we will run our Deep Learning Container inside an EC2 instance, similar to what’s shown in the following diagram:
Figure 3.2 – Running a Deep Learning Container inside an EC2 instance
This container will serve as the environment where the ML model is trained using a script that utilizes the PyTorch framework. Even if PyTorch is not installed in the EC2 instance, the training script will still run successfully since it will be executed inside the container environment where PyTorch is preinstalled...