This section only deals with consumer interface binding. Because PMIC binding consists of providing init data for regulators that this PMIC provides, you should refer to the section Feeding init data into the DT to understand producer binding.
A consumer node can reference one or more of its supplies/regulators using the following bindings:
<name>-supply: phandle to the regulator node
It is the same principle as PWM consumer binding. <name> should be meaningful enough, so that the driver can easily refer to it when requesting the regulator. That said, <name> must match the *id parameter of the regulator_get() function:
twl_reg1: regulator@0 { [...] }; twl_reg2: regulator@1 { [...] }; mmc: mmc@0x0 { [...] vmmc-supply = <&twl_reg1>; vmmcaux-supply = <&twl_reg2>; };
The consumer code (which is...