Liferay portal provides a tool named Service-Builder, which could automate the creation of interfaces and classes for database persistence, local and remote services. In brief, Service-Builder will generate most of the common code needed to implement, find, create, update, and delete operations on the database, allowing developers to focus on the higher-level aspects of the service design directly.
The term service is a class or set of classes designed to handle retrieving and storing data classes. A service could be local or remote. A local service is used in the local Liferay instance, while a remote service is accessible from anywhere. By default, remote services support SOAP, JSON, and Java RMI. This section is going to discuss Service-Builder in the portal core, and the next chapter is going to focus on Service-Builder in plugins.
Ant target build-service
Ant target build-service
is specified in $PORTAL_SRC_HOME/portal-impl/build.xml
as follows. Liferay eats its own...