Configuring the identity sources on the SSO server
An identity source, as the name indicates, is a repository with information regarding the authentication domains that SSO should validate user credentials against and issue tokens using the Secure Token Service (STS)
.SSO supports the following identity source types:
Active Directory (Integrated Windows Authentication): This can be used when your Active Directory is in Native mode. With this identity source type selected you could either use the current local machine account as the Service Principal Name (SPN) or choose to specify a different SPN.
Active Directory as an LDAP Server: This is primarily used for backward compatibility.
Open LDAP: This is used when you have an Open LDAP only based the directory service in your environment
Local OS: This would become the source for the local operating system users on the machine where SSO is installed and not the vCenter Server.
Here is how you would add an identity source to the SSO server: