Overview of the security services in the Bluemix catalog
Services under the Security category in the Bluemix catalog are as follows:
Access Trail, which is an IBM service, in beta at the time of writing this book
Application Security on Cloud is an IBM-provided service
Single Sign On is an IBM-provided service
Adaptive Security Manager (ASM) is a third-party service
When you log in to Bluemix and select the Security category, you will see the security services created in your account:
From here you can create a new security service instance by clicking the Get started now! icon in the top-right corner, as shown in following screenshot:
Clicking the Get started now! icon, will display the security services available on Bluemix. At the time of writing this book, the available security services are as shown in the following screenshot:
Let us now look at some of these security services, what they offer as security functions, and how they can be used with your application on Bluemix.