Backing up and restoring
Taking regular backups of your data to recover in the event of catastrophic failures is absolutely critical. It is important that all of your data is saved periodically at fixed time intervals and a sufficient number of such backups are preserved.
A common strategy is to take a full backup of your data at regular intervals and keep a fixed number of backups. Your cluster may be deployed on-premise in your own data center or it may be deployed on a cloud hosted service such as AWS, where you may be managing the cluster yourself.
We will look at the following topics on how to manage your backups and restore a specific backup if it is needed:
- Setting up a repository for snapshots
- Taking snapshots
- Restoring a specific snapshot
Let's look at how to do these one by one.
Setting up a repository for snapshots
The first step in setting up a regular backup process is setting up a repository for storing snapshots. There are different places where we could store snapshots:
- A shared filesystem...