Invasion – moving the shooter with the keyboard
This section offers a second possibility of how to move the shooter. If you don't have a multi-touch device, you will need to use something else to control the position of the shooter easily while you use the mouse to shoot. The following is the code, fragment 1, (of 2) of
280. # File name: (Fragment 1) 281. from import App 282. from kivy.lang import Builder 283. from kivy.core.window import Window 284. from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout 285. from kivy.uix.label import Label 286. from kivy.animation import Animation 287. from kivy.clock import Clock 288. from fleet import Fleet 289. from shooter import Shooter 290. 291. Builder.load_file('images.kv') 292. 293. class Invasion(FloatLayout): 294. 295. def __init__(self, **kwargs): 296. super(Invasion, self).__init__(**kwargs) 297. self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self.close, self) 298. self._keyboard.bind(